Tuesday, September 29, 2009

It was the legs that did it!

I'm having real problems configuring my new studio. I just can't seem to 'get it right'. I bought a new chair on a whim and love love love it (it was the legs I think I fell in love with) but sadly it seems to fit better into Mr B's office than the cosy nook for hand sewing I had in mind :( . Methinks his office will have to be said nook from now on!!
This wkend I took every single thing out of the stuido. A sensible person would have organised sorted and planned the event but not me. Everything is in boxes, all jumbled up and outta control and in the midst of it I've got lots of bunting orders to get out in time. Arrrghghghgh.
Time to sit in said lovely chair with a cup of coffee and stick my head in the sand!

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