Sunday, December 14, 2008

I love liberty me!

I love, love Liberty fabric. So much so that I look at it, I stroke it and I dream about making things with it. My hands shake when I cut into it for fear that I make a mistake and a precious few cms go to waste.

I buy it mostly here is Paris its extortionately priced but if I'm missing England I pop over to the shop, gaze longingly at it, get a few strokes in (if a shop assistant isn't jealously guarding it) and pick up and put down (a lot of times), eventually willing myself out of the shop before I buy the lot.

Yesterday I was there and a couple were buying yards and yards of it. I nearly fainted in disbelief and was transfixed by the patterns they had picked. I wanted, oh how i wanted to go up to them and ask them what they planned to do with it, why buy so much, how do they fund their 'habit'.

Then dark thoughts entered my head. Can you be prosecuted for mugging someone of their liberty fabrics...... I think I need to get out more?

A good friend recently comissioned a present for a friend and this is what I came up with. I used a pattern but wasn't happy with buttons so came up with ties instead of ribbons. I added a bag and label with the baby's name and voila a new product was born for my shop (for when I knuckle down and fill it with goodies!).

I love liberty me!!

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