Friday, February 6, 2009

Le Wkend - Task 1 Amy Butler Cushion

Making the Amy Butler cushion turned out to be like creating a piece of art rather than sewing. Each petal started out like this..

then was individually sewn and arranged into a 'zinnia' shape. It was time consuming and took a lot out of my precious wkend but I found it theraputic .

All the petals are now sewn but I need a large button to cover the centre and finish it. Its a great pattern and very clear. I don't know why but I'm always surprised when a pattern works/comes together easily! There are a few changes I would make for next time, but the hardest part was choosing fabric. I opted for a print I've been hoarding from the Empress Woo collection.

I'm not very good at finishing things ... but I'm hoping posting about it here will give me the impetus to! So first task...check.. God this blog post is so boring! I'll try and pep up the next one!

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